DSISD Blood Drive Recap
This past December, Stewart Manufacturing partnered with Upper Edge of Delta County to sponsor a blood drive put on by American Red Cross at the Delta Schoolcraft ISD. As American Red Cross is known for their generosity in scholarship programs, they agreed to fund a scholarship based on the amount of pints donated. With the help of many students, staff and the rest of Delta County, 30 pints of blood were collected, and the Delta Schoolcraft ISD will be funded a $250 scholarship from American Red Cross this spring.
Given the privilege to decide on scholarship eligibility criteria, Stewart Manufacturing and Upper Edge requested that all senior year students who have completed a Career Technical Ed (CTE) course during the 2015/2016 school year will be considered. Applicants must be enrolled full-time for the upcoming fall semester at any college, trade school or apprenticeship program, and must have at least a B grade average in their CTE course(s). Preference will be given to those who have participated in volunteer activities during their high school years.
Thank you, American Red Cross and Delta Schoolcraft ISD! We are looking forward to another successful blood drive in December of 2016.